Greetings Friends — This month we feature the creative contribution of a joyous soul, our dear Carole Hintz. Her love for whimsy hands us a hefty spoonful of Helen Bevington’s autumnal breakfast and plenty to smile about. And her own prayerful SHALOM is a poem you’ll want to take with you, especially through the more dreary and challenging days this coming season can bring. ~ Randy


Poetry is an avenue of expression, a release, for the full spectrum of emotions deeply felt. . . love, anger, wonder, joy, humor, sadness, loss, silliness, pain, hope . . . I believe poetry is born out of our life journey when we allow ‘our living’ the freedom to be who we are as God created us to be.

My poem by another poet is short and somewhat humorous. Though about October, it certainly relates to November as well.

A Bowl of October by Helen Bevington

October is a breakfast food
With fields of shredded wheat.
The golden cornflakes lie on the lawn,
And wheaties lie in the street.

The puffed rice clouds, the grapenut hills,
Oh! the oatmeal skies, abed
Have wakened me in the crispies air ~~
And so I have breakfasted!


My poem is just heart-written as only any writing I do must be (and it is not often.)

Shalom by Carole Hintz

Shalom ~ Shalom
Whispered ~ Whispered
In dreams of hope
Amidst memories
Of conflict and strife.

Shalom ~ Shalom
Upon wings of dawn
Oe’r a landscape of heartache.
A Promise ~ A Prayer
Golden from the rising sun?

Shalom ~ Shalom
Deepening pools of tears
of God’s children everywhere
asking Where? Where?
Toward the winging bird on high.

Oh! Shalom ~ Shalom
Hold it tenderly.
Declare it ardently.
Pass it lovingly:
Earth and Shalom as One.

~hosted by Randy Smit and Rhonda Edgington