Health Ministry Logo with typeWhile Celebrating Pentecost- the gift of the Holy Spirit, I was reminded that I am not my own. 1 Corinthians 6:19 says “Do you not know that your bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you have been bought with a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” I was created by an awesome God to love, live and serve. I have a Helper in my soul to accomplish all the things I was gifted to do therefore worshiping God. Our desire to be healthy and glorify God with our body will bring us satisfaction and the peace of the Holy Spirit who helps us. Let us discover the benefits of physical fitness and a greater productivity for God’s work through us.

The model for Healthy Living includes Movement as an important component. We know the benefits of exercise include increased strength, flexibility, endurance, stamina, better sleep, increased bone density, a more healthy weight, improved cognition and learning ability, and more positive and happy mood. Another important key factor is disease prevention- such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and falls.

We were created to move. Look at how are bodies are designed. Whatever your level of movement you can enjoy successful body and spirit connection and reap the benefits! Be practical- schedule your exercise, make it realistic and individual. Pray for success, strength and perseverance. You will be blessed!


Hope Church Summer Fitness Initiative

Beginning Sunday, May 29th you can start participating in our summer fitness program.  Please pick up a fitness card at the Health Ministry table. You will see there is a place to document your individual goal and what you accomplished on a daily or weekly basis. You will receive encouragement and a gift for making your commitment! Find additional information on how to convert your choice activity to miles. The program runs for 13 weeks- through the summer. If you did not get in on the initial start date- you can begin anytime!

~Ginger Clark, RN, Parish Nurse

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