Transforming Communities: An Introduction to Community Development
January 28, 6 to 9 p.m. at Hope Church

How can communities transform themselves? What kinds of relationships make neighborhoods strong? When is help helpful? When do our best intentions become counterproductive? How can we learn about each others’ assets? What is the path to community empowerment?

Jay VanGroningen, Executive Director of Communities First Association, will present an introduction to the concepts of Asset Based Community Development, and Judy Van Dyke, Neighborhood Connections director, will describe how these concepts are at work in our neighborhoods. This session is co-hosted by Hope Church’s Community Ministry and Good Samaritan’s Neighborhood Connections program, on Monday, January 28, from 6 to 9 p.m. at Hope Church, beginning with a light supper.

Registration is requested, either online or by calling the Hope Church office at (616) 392-7947.