It’s been a full and rich time of ministry in the life of Hope Church. Lent and Holy Week worship culminated in a glorious celebration on Easter Day. After a long renovation project, we are dedicating this new building and sharing a celebration with our neighbors, friends, and church community on April 29th. The very next morning we are welcoming another 18 new members. Our ministries continue to connect and engage us to needs of the world and to the healing and growth in faith we are eager to find for ourselves and those we love. You learn about these opportunities when you read the newsletter and open the bulletin each week. But I am aware that we have a lot of new people around here and a fair bit of evolution among the groups and ministries that are active here at Hope Church. So even if you have been around for a long time, there may be things happening that you aren’t aware of and opportunities to engage in ministry that you didn’t know existed.

As we wind down the program year and gather for a pizza Sunday lunch after worship on May 21st we will be holding a ministry fair in the gathering area. All of the groups and ministries of Hope Church have been invited to participate and it is coming together to be an easy – one stop – shopping kind of moment to see what is happening and where you can plug in. There are some people who love to serve on committees and will have the chance to sign up to be on one of our on-going ministries that plan and direct the ministry of Hope Church. Other people want a chance to volunteer for a single task or event and will appreciate the lists at tables that highlight these periodic opportunities to serve. Some people are looking for a way to create ongoing relationship and will appreciate the chance to join a group like one of the women’s circles. People who like to use their hands and have gifts for cross stitch or knitting will be able to connect to the congregational care ministry by working on baptism banners or healing prayer shawls. Some of you are sitting on musical gifts that you haven’t shared with us yet and might find that this is the perfect time to let the music ministry know that you could be part of worship some Sunday. You get the picture.

I told Pastor Gordon the other day that this feels a little like planning a party and hoping people will come. We have a lot of dedicated people around here who are reaching out to open the circle wider and make it really easy for you to join them. I hope you will make your way to the different tables that day to look for some places to share your gifts or just to say “thank you” to some of the folks who have been taking the lead through this last season of Hope Church life. Maybe this next season is a time for you to step into something new around here or to walk with someone who is looking to join you in what you have been doing for years! Those connections across generations or between new and long-time members generate some of the greatest growth and joy as we share ministry together in this place.

Grace to you and peace,
Pastor Jill

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