91GUSQKZVgL._SL1500_Season of Reconciliation Book Study
Learning to Walk in the Dark

Thursdays, January 15, 22, 29 and February 5
Participants may attend at 2:00 PM or 6:45 PM

Sessions are structured in a format similar to the October book study, with a brief fellowship time followed by about 90 minutes for discussion of the book. Rachelle Oppenhuizen will be facilitating, possibly with guest co-facilitators.

In this book Barbara Brown Taylor explores the themes of the Via Negativa—darkness, silence and absence. She writes to spiritual seekers who may be eager for some guidance when life brings them to the brink of the abyss often termed “The Cloud of Unknowing”. Taylor helps us to see the salvific nature of some feared aspects of the darkness, without and within.

Please sign up on the sheet in the Gathering Area, indicating your preference of the afternoon or evening group. Crossover attendance is certainly permitted, but we’d like to plan for adequate space and light snacks. Enrollment is open to non-Hope Church Members so feel free to invite an interested friend. Books can be purchased for $20.00 in the Gathering Area.

~E-Books are $1.99 online until January 5, 2015 at this link: http://harperone.hc.com/barbarabrowntaylor

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