S&F_3LEG_STOOL_3Again this year, the Stewardship and Finance Committee has elected to use the image of the threelegged stool as a symbol of the financial resources on which Hope Church’s ministries depend. As the symbol suggests, we rely on three revenue streams to do all that we have been called to undertake: 1) the Annual Budget which provides resources for day-to-day expenses; 2) the Endowment which supplements those expenses and which provides a reserve for future needs; and 3) the Capital Campaign which funds the renovation and building program.

This serves to remind us all of this three-pronged foundation of our ministry and to initiate our annual stewardship campaign. To that end, we ask your prayers and your commitment.

This October we plan to follow an informational and budgeting process similar to last year:

  • You will receive a copy of the 2016 budget in your stewardship mailing later this month.
  • With this budget in mind, please give careful and prayerful thought to the level of contribution you can commit during 2016. You will be invited to bring your pledge form to church on Stewardship Sunday, November 8, or you can mail it to the church office by that date.
  • On Sunday, January 17, there will be a congregational meeting to discuss and vote on the final 2016 budget. Through these last months of 2015 there will also be regular updates on giving to meet our 2015 budget commitments so that we can be well situated as Hope Church heads into 2016.

Hope Church has been blessed to be a blessing. While our means of ministry are varied and valuable, they require our financial support for their full blossoming. As you make your annual pledge to the life of Hope Church, join us in celebrating the many ways that Hope Church is a blessing to our world.

~Stewardship and Finance Ministry

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