All are welcome to these Advent Activities on Sunday, December 16:

Early Worship

Church School
Adult Education – Linda Graham, Hope College professor of dance, presents, “Advent Themes in Dance”

Worship – “Beyond Fear? Joy” Jill Russell, preaching

Children in Worship

Pizza Sunday

Caroling – Enjoy pizza after worship and then share the spirit of celebration and joy with those who find it difficult to join us. Poinsettias, gift bags, and cards will be shared as we carol to both our own members and in the Hope Church neighborhood. You don’t have to have a great voice, just a smile to share! All ages are encouraged to participate as many voices are needed!

Hot Cocoa & Youth Music – After Caroling we’ll gather again in the Commons and enjoy hot cocoa and cookies. Children and youth choirs will sing during this time of fellowship in preparation for Christmas Eve.

High Hopes Progressive Dinner – All high schoolers are invited to attend this annual event. We will meet at the church and head to our first destination from there. Come dressed to walk in the neighborhood, and don’t forget to bring a white elephant gift!