Ginger Clark, Parish Nurse, R.N.

A few months ago, pre COVID-19, I committed to writing this article about the support groups at Hope Church. Support groups provide a chance to be together, sharing the same purpose and concerns, encouraging each other and understanding each other along the way. There are many benefits: you are not “going it alone,” you can express yourself openly without judgment, you can increase self-awareness, and you can reduce anxiety and despair. Learning new coping skills and improving social skills is a benefit, too. There is a lot to be said about being a help to others in the group and developing new and healthy relationships. The word “support” is defined as leaning all or part of the weight of, holding up, carrying, giving assistance to, and encouraging for success. 

As I ponder this, I am overwhelmed with knowing how well Hope Church has been doing this—for themselves and each other for several weeks now. During my weeks of multiple calls, emails, and Zoom connections, I have witnessed a wonderful flow of love and care amongst us. We have been trudging through worries about ourselves, health, safety, our loved ones, jobs, lack of connection, loss of freedoms, social chaos, and the struggle to lean on hope for the future. Yet you have been able to rise above most of it and be what Jesus equips you to be. 

REST (Relax, Empathy, Share, Thanksgiving) is a group for those with caregiving concerns, in need of grief support and friendship. We meet the second and fourth Monday of the month, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., in the Youth Room. Holding Hope is a support group providing connection and community around mental health. We meet the first and third Tuesday of the month at noon until 1:30 p.m. in the Youth Room. Wait a minute! We can’t meet there right now! So keep this for future reference, and let’s talk about our COVID-19 reality right now. REST is connecting via phone and emails and hopes to gather when it’s appropriate. Holding Hope is meeting weekly via Zoom. Please call the church office if you desire to be involved in either of these support groups, and you will receive specific instructions . 

Additional resources

  • Meditation, sleep, and movement coaching:
  • “Warm line” certified peer support: (888) 733-7753 
  • Encouragement for care-takers, including self-care:
  • National suicide prevention hotline: (800) 273-8255 
  • COVID-19 screening at Holland Hospital: (616) 394-2080