By Lisa Denison, Caring for Creation Ministry member
The availability of clean drinking water is a major issue emerging on the global stage. Most people in the world can’t take potable water for granted. Even here in Ottawa County there is growing concern about the quality of the water being drawn from our aquifer. Caring for Creation calls for more than feelings of concern. There are very concrete actions we can take.
Know that small changes in your maintenance habits can help minimize your environmental impact! Some easy ways to save time, money and show your love for mother earth:

For your existing lawn:

  • Mow high (3 – 3 1/2”) in the summer/early fall to reduce stress. This will reduce water needs by keeping the soil shaded and moist, and discourage grubs by promoting healthier roots. **If someone else mows your lawn, tell them!!
  • Take off the bag! Mulch lawn clippings to return nutrients to the soil and reduce the need for fertilizer.
  • Go organic.
  • If you water, do it in the morning when it’s cool to reduce evaporation, and adjust your sprinklers so you are not wasting water and “watering the pavement.”

For your flower beds, the goal is to use only the water nature provides:
Utilize rain barrels and/or establish rain gardens to save water.
Protect water quality by not using herbicides or pesticides.

  • Choose drought tolerant and native plants.
  • Where rainwater collection is difficult or impossible, use direct water methods (a watering can) or some form of drip or direct irrigation to cut down evaporation loss.

Finally, be more tolerant of some “imperfection,” knowing that any changes you make will have a positive impact on our environment and demonstrate your commitment to Care for Creation.