Thanksgiving For and From Community Action House
Community Ministry received this message from Meagan Maas of CAH after the delivery of the $2,665 results of our turkey drive: “It’s Day Two of our Thanksgiving Basket Distribution and the office is a flurry of activity as we hand out turkeys and all the fixings to families to enjoy in their homes. We’ve currently provided about 650 Thanksgiving meals but expect to have a busy afternoon. We estimate we’ll be handing out 900 boxes total. I know you’ll share our gratitude with everyone at Hope Church!” Scott Rumpsa, executive director and Hope Church member, added, “Your support means a lot to Community Action House and the folks we’re working with–as well as to me personally.” The Thanksgiving offering resulted in an additional $3,660 gift to support CAH’s work in our community, thanks to your generosity!

Thank you for your contribution in sharing our message for Transgender Day of Remembrance. To be able to hold this beautiful Candlelight Vigil with our community meant so much to us and to those who were able to attend. Thank you for helping us make a difference.
~Holland/Lakeshore Gender S.A.F.E.

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Greetings from Char and Dave Alexander, recently of Taiwan, now retired in Holland, MI
For some, if not all of the 37 years that we served as Reformed Church in America Missionaries in Taiwan, Hope Church provided a Partner in Mission Support share, which enabled us to live without anxiety about where the next month’s salary would come from or how our children would be educated while we served the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan in different jobs over the years. The Taiwan portion of that life ended on July 31st, when we got onto a plane toward our retirement, and the final paycheck came on September 30th. This is likely our last Christmas Card to Hope Church as “your Taiwan missionaries.” We want to use this occasion to thank you for the support, the prayers, the care and concern that you showed for so many years, and to wish you God’s fullest blessing at Christmas this year and evermore.
~Char and Dave Alexander