Our Thanksgiving offering is designated for Community Action House, which continues its vital work in our community. Their program development focuses on offering services that not only address homelessness and food insecurity among our neighbors, but also recognize the human need for dignity and self-determination.

Hope Church’s link to Community Action House dates back to its inception in 1969, when David Myers, a current member of the Community Ministry, made connections to support the development of a “community safety net.” Earl Laman has led our collaboration with Community Action House faithfully for uncounted years, organizing the contributions of many of our members. And the recent leadership transition at Community Action House has brought Scott Rumpsa (and his family) back to Hope Church, as Scott has assumed the executive director role.

Please consider how you can support this vital ongoing work in our community through our Thanksgiving offering.

*Donations for the Thanksgiving offering can be made using the designated “Thanksgiving” envelope in the Offering Envelope sets, or with a check using the memo: Thanksgiving Offering. The offering will be received at the Thanksgiving Eve worship service, and donations may also be sent or turned in to the church office.

~Community Ministry

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