The focus of Caring for Creation is simply that: Caring for Creation. Caring is both an action and a description. We hope you both act in a way that causes creation to flourish as well possess concern for the earth and its innumerable interrelated processes. For example, you might choose to recycle food containers or compost food waste. On the other hand, you might worry that individual actions make too small of an impact and choose instead to advocate for higher renewable energy standards or a carbon fee and dividend. Both choices exhibit Caring.

Caring for Creation aims to engage as many people as possible in whatever ways possible to whatever levels of commitment are desired. For some of you, this will mean recycling bulletins, reading from the Caring for Creation bulletin board (across the hall from the choir room), or composting. For others, this will mean attending lectures, film screenings, or events. Still others may desire to take action by planting trees, installing solar, or contacting politicians. All these choices engage you in the redemptive mission of Caring and all equally deserve encouragement.

Mark your calendar with upcoming events:

  • September 12: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. – Outdoor Discovery Center led family friendly kayak expedition of Macatawa River (pre-registration required, free for Hope Church members)
  • September 27 during Pizza Sunday in room 106 – Screening of the documentary Dirt!
  • October 18: 9:40 am – Adult Education by Steven Bouma- Prediger on the recent Pope Francis Encyclical on the Environment
  • October 25: 9:40 am – Adult Education by Steven Bouma- Prediger on Cultivating Ecological Virtues
  • October 25 during Pizza Sunday in room 106 – update on Project Clarity from Macatawa Watershed Project

If any of these things sound interesting to you, or if you have any other ideas for projects, events, or groups to get involved with, please contact Joe Arevalo.

~Joe Arevalo, Caring for Creation Coordinator

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