New Parish Nurse Hours: Please take note that the new Parish Nurse Office Hours are Thursdays, from 2:00-4:00 PM starting in June, in the Hope Church Library.Health Ministry Logo with type

We attempt to create a congregational atmosphere which understands and values the deep connection between our faith and our health.Even though we are a subcommittee in Congregational Care, we are ready to help all of Hope Church ministries accomplish their missions. To accomplish this, we offer many opportunities for you to participate in living this connection between your faith and your health.

  • Healing Prayer Services during the year (cooperative effort of Worship, Prayer, Spirituality and the Music Ministries).
  • Yearly Adult Education Series. Last fall we presented 4 sessions on Integrative/Holistic Health topics.
  • Weekly Flex and Balance exercises for older adults led by Maxine DeBruyn on Thursday afternoons at 1:30 pm.
  • Monthly newsletter articles with our Health Ministry Bulletin Board featuring the same theme, with books, pamphlets and other information on a topic for you to read. The CARE NOTE rack is nearby.
  • Maintain medical equipment to borrow for use at home. Maintain first aid kits and the defibrillator.
  • Provide a flu shot clinic in the fall
  • Frequently hold Blood Drives in cooperation with our neighbor –The First United Methodist Church.
  • Summertime exercise challenges like GO AND GLOW.
  • Monthly Blood Pressure checks and consultations on Pizza Sunday.
  • The Knitting Ministry promotes and keeps track of those who receive Prayer Shawls.

This past fall we provided a picture directory of Hope Church Medical Persons. This will help the Deacons be familiar with them in case of an emergency.

Last October, MAKING CHOICES MICHIGAN was featured as an Advanced Care Planning and Advance Directive evening to promote conversations between persons who are designated as a medical Power of Attorney and those for whom they may have to speak.

In March we said “good bye” to our Parish Nurse, Donita Robards, who moved to Georgia to be with her 3 sons. This May we welcomed our new Parish Nurse, Ginger Clark, who is eager to begin her ministry with us at Hope Church. She is eager to meet you.

Health Ministry is a support for our Parish Nurse and Congregational Care visitors. Please let us know of your needs and suggestions for future events.

Hopefully, the Caregivers Support Group will re-organize soon and other support groups will be inspired to begin – especially one for those living with depression and/or other mental health situations.

New members are always welcome. Come and join us and learn the importance of why Churches should care about HEALTH as well as FAITH.

LUKE 9:2 ”…and he sent them out to proclaim the Kingdom of God and to HEAL.”

~Ann Piet Anderson, Health Ministry member