For the third year in a row, Rhonda Edgington will be playing an organ concert during the first weekend of Tulip Time, on Sunday, May 5 at 7:00pm. This year’s theme is “From the Oude Kerk to Playing it Cool!” – referring to both the famous Dutch composer and organist of Amsterdam’s Oude Kerk, Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck as well as works by living Dutch composers, such as Ad Wammes’ piece from 2012 titled Playing it Cool! The program will involve organ music from the Netherlands from Sweelinck’s era (the 16th century) to modern composers.

As in previous years, this is a ticketed event – you can purchase your $15 tickets either at the door, or online at Local performer Geneieve Beaulieu will be joining the program for a set of pieces based on Dutch hymn tunes, for organ and bassoon. Rhonda also promises this year to appear in Dutch costume!

Take a break from eating elephant ears and hiding at home, avoiding the tourists to hear a concert of organ music.

~Rhonda Edgington, Associate Director of Music and Organist