During Tulip Time this year, for the first time, there will be an organ concert at Hope Church as part of the official Tulip Time activities. Our organist, Rhonda Edgington, will be playing Dutch organ music on this Sunday, May 7 at 7 pm at Hope Church.  The Tulip Time committee was very excited to hear Rhonda’s proposal of a concert focused solely on Dutch music, since, despite the many musical offerings at Tulip Time, no one plays Dutch music! Rhonda has put together a program that starts with Sweelinck, a famous Baroque organist and composer, continues through the romantic period, and culminates with the music of Ad Wammes, a living Dutch composer who writes in a jazzy and accessible style.  You can read more at https://www.tuliptime.com/events/organ-concert/

This is a ticketed event, and you are welcome and encouraged to buy your tickets through Tulip Time for $15! Tickets will also be available at the door.

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