While the bulk of the construction work is complete, there will continue to be developments in the Hope Church facility over the summer. Many of those developments simply complete original plans (completing furniture purchases, for example), but since a few questions have come up repeatedly, we’ll answer them here:

What’s in store for room 106? Some facelift began before room 106 was used as temporary office space during construction: painting and extended wiring. Further work is planned, replacing the child-sized sink with an adult-sized one and installing fresh flooring. Washington School Neighbors has an office in one corner for the new neighborhood connector, Christen Bordenkircher; the rest of the space (entire or divided with movable partition into two) will be available for group activities–especially the arts envisioned during the Living Hope requirements gathering.

What’s the plan for the memorial garden plaques? Our original plan for the plaques was stymied when we needed to scale back our plans to reduce the cost–and eliminate the exterior west sanctuary ramp. We have a new plan, though, for the plaques to be placed in the hallway outside of the chapel, where they will be part of the view to the memorial garden and proximate to meditation spaces.

Will the music room get any attention? The music room was originally out of scope for extensive work because it functioned quite well–both for acoustics and specialized storage. The room was included in the fire suppression system installation, and had one corner affected by the replacement of the courtyard with the chapel and hallway. We’ve also replaced the door hardware so both doors are ADA-compliant and easy to open. We do have further plans, thanks to willing volunteers: some fresh paint, new office furniture, and repairs.

If you have lingering questions, contact Lois Maassen or drop them off at the church office. We’ll keep answering as long as people keep asking!