Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Christ Memorial Church, 595 Graafschap Rd, Holland, MI.

The Faith Communities of West Michigan are uniting to wage peace, heal families, and build hope to end abuse.

Who: We as concerned people of our community are uniting to wage peace, heal families, and build hope to end abuse.

When: Please come to a one-day conference open to all at Christ Memorial Church of Holland on May 2, 2017.

Details: Go to
UnitingAgainstAbuse.Love to make a donation, purchase tickets or volunteer. Please make checks payable to United Way, 2775 Lakeshore Drive North, Holland, Mi 49424. Please include Imago Dei on the memo line.

What: Michigan ranks 9th in the nation for domestic homicides, 2nd in sex trafficking, and 9th in child abuse and neglect. By coming together to support our faith communities and nonprofit agencies that help the hurting, we can make a profound difference in the lives of those who suffer.

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