On December 14th from 5:30 ”“ 7:00pm, the Community Housing Partnership puts on a Christmas celebration for their participants. Families and mentors come together to eat, play, and get to know each other better. However, there are no program funds to help with this wonderful opportunity. We are looking for 6 – 10 people to host this year’s Christmas Celebration! Come join the fun by serving food, helping with crafts and games and handing out gifts. We are also looking for sponsors to help cover the costs. The program needs approximately $300 to supply food, materials and decorations. For more information, contact Deb Vogel dvogel@goodsamministries.com. You can learn more about Good Samaritan Ministries at www.goodsamministries.com or by calling 616.392.7159. You can learn more about the Community Action House at www.communityactionhouse.org or by calling 616.392.2368.