shoe-heart-logoIt is warm hearts, warm boots and warm home time again! Caring for Creation and Health Ministries are supporting this invitation to walk and/or support the Walk for Warmth to  help area families who have received a utility shut-off notice. Funding for Community Action Agency, the sponsor for this event, is the lowest currently that it has been in 10 years; this despite need that does remain in Ottawa County and has remained about the same for the past five years. Because of support last year, more than 250 families did receive help.

There are two ways you may help:

  1. The walk is this Saturday, February 9, with registration and coffee at 8:30 am.  The Walk for Warmth begins and ends at City On A Hill (100 Pine St at the intersection of Lawrence and Pine Streets) in Zeeland. It is a two mile walk. His Harvest Stand will collect clothing and food donations also at the City On A Hill location. Come and join in this walk if you are able!
  2. If you are unable to walk, please consider giving a donation. Call the Church office at (616) 392-7947 to do so.