As Washington School Neighbors seeks to come alongside the neighbors here in our core city and empower them to achieve the kind of community that they envision, it is important to be reminded of our roots in Asset-Based Community Development. Some nonprofit organizations and NGO’s might look at a community to identify a ‘problem’ and then through its own lens of cultural values and outside understanding, the organization determines a solution. With an approach of Asset-Based Community Development guiding us, we work with neighbors to identify their own assets from within the community so neighbors themselves can build upon what is already good and present. Our role, as an organization, is to invite, include, and affirm the gifts of each person in the community and create opportunities for those individuals and his/her gifts to be seen and enjoyed by others.

In the Washington School Neighborhood, there is an abundance of assets whether that is the asset of space provided through green spaces and the community gardens or the asset of sunshine during these summer months that invites neighbors to be outside more where they will more easily form relationships with those around them. Each individual neighbor has something beautiful and good to contribute to the neighborhood as a whole whether that asset includes a part of their God-given personality or perhaps a skill or trade that can help others in the community to flourish. Each of our five partner churches bring their own unique assets to our community life together. What assets do you see in this neighborhood? What assets do you have that you could contribute to the flourishing of this community?

Upcoming Events + Ways to Get Involved

  • Saturday, June 3 from 10-11am – composting workshop and discussion
  • Saturday June 3 from 3-5pm – Neighborhood wide family-friendly scavenger hunt. Discover the assets of the neighborhood in a friendly competition between different neighbors organized by blocks! There will be prizes!! Sign up by emailing Christen!
  • Friday, June 9-Saturday June 10 – ROC Bike Ride for our neighborhood cyclists. Sign up to cycle and raise money for Washington School Neighbors OR help host the meal for the cyclists on Friday at 6pm at the community garden! Email Ruth Sill at for more information or to sign up!
  • Saturday, June 17 from 9:30-11am – Jam Making Event – RSVP to
  • Saturday, July 15 – Mid-summer Turkish breakfast potluck. Experience a traditional Turkish breakfast in the gardens with items from our gardens! (potluck style – so email for a list of options to contribute!) RSVP to Christen at

Needs for Washington School Neighbors:

  1. Donate a gift card or prize for our neighborhood-wide scavenger hunt!
  2. Bike in the ROC bike ride or sponsor someone else cycling in this fundraising event!
  3. Provide refreshments for a neighborhood gathering or block connector meeting.
  4. Have a skill or trade that could benefit the community? Let us know!!!
  5. If you live in the neighborhood, we’d love to have you participate as a block connector to intentionally reach out to the neighbors on your block and be a part of creating a more connected community.

For more information, visit

~Christen Bordenkircher, Neighborhood Connector

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