washington school neighbors“God’s basic method of communicating God’s self is not the ‘saved’ individual, the rightly informed believer, or even personal careers in ministry, but the journey and bonding process that God initiates in community: in marriages, families, tribes, nations, events, scientists, and churches who are seeking to participate in God’s love, maybe without even consciously knowing it.” -Richard Rohr, OSF

Washington School Neighbors is not a Christian ministry. But it was born and is still supported in the context of different church congregations working together for the good of our shared neighborhood. This summer several churches are seeking to partner along with WSN in “Neighborhood Serve” June 15-18, four days of service projects and learning right here in Washington School Neighborhood. We’d love as much variety of participation as possible. If you’d like to learn more or be involved, you can contact the WSN Connector Andrew Spidahl.

Richard Rohr may express in the quote above what you believe as a person of faith – that people can participate in God’s love in community without even knowing it, and that this is the best way to know God.

~Andrew Spidahl, Neighborhood Connector

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