St. Teresa of Avila once wrote “The tree that is beside the running water is fresher and gives more fruit.” If ever there was a time when we needed to be well-rooted, it is in this demanding and polarizing climate. It seems like there is always an argument to counter, a social media post to question, and a rally to march in. If our energy is finite, where do we spend it? If you are feeling the need to water your roots in order to bear fruit in areas of societal stress, you are not alone. There are two upcoming opportunities to learn and engage in guided spiritual practices in the month of October. First, our fall Wednesday night series will focus on spiritual restoration. On October 3, 10, 17, and 24 we will meet at 5:45 to share a light supper, before we listen to facilitators explain a different spiritual practice. They will then guide us in a time of group and individual practice, before concluding at 7:30. Mary VanAndel, Kim Mulder, Linda Graham, and Rhonda Edgington are scheduled to lead us.

Then, consider joining us for a time of retreat at the end of the month. On the evening of October 26 and during the day of the 27th, Spiritual Director Rev. Mary VanAndel will guide us in an intentional time of filling up our spiritual wells. We will meet at the retreat center Bethabara, 3767 Sixty Fourth Street Holland, Michigan from 6-9 PM on Friday and 9-4 on Saturday. The cost is $25 and includes dinner on Friday and lunch on Saturday. There is a sign up in the gathering area and you can contact Pastor Beth with questions. Sign up deadline is October 18.

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