As the construction moves forward, we’re getting more clear on the schedule for various parts of the project, which means we know when we can use volunteers to help out with various aspects. We have these opportunities upcoming:

  • Cart debris (removed carpet, ceiling tiles, etc.) from the Commons to the parking lot dumpster the weeks of May 30 and June 6. You can sign up for this right now. If you can bring a friend or would be available at another time than suggested, make that note in question 3.
  • In late June or early July, put horizontal blocks into stud walls in the nursery and youth rooms and connected bathrooms. No need for an immediate commitment; if you think you can help, add your name to our mailing list and we’ll contact you when the schedule is clear.
  • In July, prime the walls in the youth room and nursery. Again, add your name to the list of possible volunteers and we’ll contact you when the schedule is firm.
  • In August and then again in October or November, place ceiling tiles in the overhead grid. Let us know if your name should be on the list of possible volunteers and we’ll be in touch when we have solid dates.
  • In February, do a final “before-occupancy” cleaning of the new and renovated parts of the building! This will be pretty satisfying, we think, so let us know if you’d like to be contacted when dates are known.

And finally, there will be other opportunities, we’re quite sure, along the way. If you have specific skills you’d like to offer, or make that note in response to the last question on the online form.

Click here for the online form to sign up!

Whether you’re able to pitch in or not, the Living Hope team appreciates your encouragement and patience along the way!

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