By Beth Carroll, Associate Pastor of Discipleship
What needs to change? What needs to continue? Though these are two questions I ask every summer before the school year as I plan for youth ministry, they have become crucial questions I now ask weekly. COVID-19 has forced all of us to reassess how we live our lives, including making decisions on the fly without the benefit of feeling complete certainty that you are making the best choice. Decision fatigue is a very real thing! So it is with Youth Ministry as well. Weighing safety concerns with a hunger for a space to process all that is happening is difficult, to say the least. On top of this balance is a very real need for social connection to counteract all of the time in isolation or behind screens.

Despite how hard this is, we are making it happen. Fish Club and High Hopes have continued to meet outdoors for games and connection, while wearing masks and maintaining safe distances from each other. We have gone on several scavenger hunts, played games in Centennial Park and Window on the Waterfront, and even played tag with pool noodles on the grass next to the church. Instead of in-person Bible lessons, our intern Elliot and I have been creating short videos addressing theological concepts which we share in emails and on Instagram. Ministry is still happening!

With all of the new locations and games, we have still managed to preserve some of our important traditions. Blessed with a sunny and pleasant Sunday afternoon this past December, we had our annual Christmas party! We circled up some chairs around heat lamps and had our “white elephant gift exchange.” (I am still savoring the giant-sized Hershey Bar I took home!) Prizes were given for those who got extra creative with festive Christmas and sponsor Jacki Knoll handed out hot cocoa to everyone. It was a delightfully fun afternoon. Thank you, God, for the grace and gift of sunshine in December.

An even greater grace is the commitment and care of our youth sponsors. Besides Jacki, we are supported by Elliot Weidenaar, Jared Lambers, Rich Perez, and Amber Tejeda. We are still trucking along in youth ministry and are so grateful for all the ways you pray and remember our youth. Only a couple more months until spring!