“Doubts are important. If we didn’t have doubts, we wouldn’t need God.” ~ 9th grade High Hopes Student

Teens say the most interesting things. One of my favorite “fly on the wall” moments came when I was driving Middle Schoolers from Mt. Pisgah to Teusink’s Farm this past May. We had a jam-packed day, which started with an Appalachian Trail practice hike right after church and ended with our end of the year Fish Club party at the farm. I had the pleasure of having mostly boys in my vehicle and in the span of our 20-minute ride, they covered a range of conversation topics from their favorite formation-of-the-universe film documentary, to the latest video games they had tried, to reigning scientific theories making the existence of zombies feasible. These are not topics most adults entertain and I could barely keep the grin off my face as I glanced at their passion and intensity in my rear view mirror.

This would not be the last time I would witness the beauty of this passion and intensity. Our High Hopes group has been meeting this summer for a series of coffee shop discussions. Each week, we meet for smoothies, a time of catching up, and to discuss a different theological issue. Kind of like Pub Theology, but well, without the pub. I admit that I was a bit nervous to try this. Would anyone show up in the middle of their busy summer? Would anyone feel comfortable sharing their opinions on deep topics and in front of their peers? Would anyone care at all?

I should have known better. Not only were there ten teens who joined us that first week, there was so much lively discussion I had to shut it down in order that the youth could go to their waiting rides. Our topic that first week was “Spiritual doubts” and much was said and asked regarding what it means to be a person who is in relationship with Christ, but still has doubts about how this faith plays out in one’s life and world. The willingness to engage this tension with such a sense of mystery was inspiring. Oh that you too could have been a fly on that coffee shop wall, to view the passion and intensity that is so evident in the hearts and minds of our young people. God’s spirit is at work among us indeed, be it in talks about zombies or talks about faith.

~Beth Jarvis, Youth Ministry Director