Anne Duinkerken, Youth Ministry Director

Fish Club Logo 2009Fish Club
Fish Club had an amazing time at Sky Zone on February 2. The building is full of 14 ft trampolines and the kids were literally bouncing off the walls!

On Saturday, February 15, seven fish clubbers and four sponsors got up early to help at “Pancakes R Us”, a group of volunteers that work out of Western Seminary’s kitchen to feed about 200 people in need. The group enjoyed interacting with the other volunteers, serving food, eating food, having conversations with those who came to get a hot breakfast, and even cleaning up!

Fish Club recently took part in the first-ever “Hillbilly Olympic Games” (something new that Leah Buckley came up with), and looks forward to making care packages for our college students. The group is usually able to fill about 30 boxes with food and fun things and can always use donations. Please bring any donations for these care packages to the church office before Sunday, March 16.

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High Hopes
HH logoHigh Hope’s annual retreat at Cran Hill Ranch looked quite different this year. With a major snowstorm hitting the Friday they were scheduled to depart, the group decided to stay at church overnight and attempt to make the trip on Saturday. Despite the change of plans, the youth and sponsors had a good time Friday night; enjoying lots of food, conversation, games, a movie, and devotions. They awoke on Saturday morning to a foot of new snow, wind and cold. Given the conditions, they enjoyed a pancake breakfast, more games, and devotions at the church, then headed home to stay safe and warm.

High Hopes looks forward to enjoying an evening of “Unplugged” on March 9, and helping at “Pancakes R Us” on March 22.

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