And Finally: Summer 2019

Thank you for all of your support in my completing my Doctor of Ministry degree. I could stop there since that’s pretty much all I have to say, but I’ll say a bit more, while keeping it shorter than my doctoral thesis. 🙂 There’s been a lot of congratulations and celebrating for the occasion of […]

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Congregational Care & Health Ministry: Summer 2019

Many members of our congregation visit, send notes and cards, and pray for those among us who are no longer able to attend church or be as active in Hope Church as they might like. Some of us reach out without anyone knowing. (Bless you!) Others do so as a part of the Congregational Care […]

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Creation Care: Every Little Thing

We have an ‘environmental’ crisis because we have consented to an economy in which by eating, drinking, working, resting, traveling, and enjoying ourselves we are destroying the natural, god-given world. ~Wendell Berry (2001). “In the Presence of Fear: Three Essays for a Changed World” Is Wendell Berry the new John Calvin? You know—where every little […]

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Poetry Corner: Summer 2019

It is with much gratitude that we welcome words treasured and shared in this installment of Poetry Corner from our dear friend Rachelle Oppenhuizen. We simply invite you to witness again here, her creative and compassionate presence as a contemplative healer and guide to many throughout the community. ~Randy Smit One of my favorite poets […]

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Fellowship Ministry: Summer 2019

The Fellowship Ministry has many opportunities for summer activities this year! You could meet us at the Felt Mansion for a concert, come camping at Cranhill, enjoy the music at Kollen Park, or have a picnic and spend an evening at Teusink’s Pony Farm! One can find more information about these events in the summer […]

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Kids Hope USA: Summer 2019

A while back I learned how elephants are trained in rural Thailand. A small young elephant is attached with a chain to a stake pounded deep into the ground. The youngster will pull for several days until it finally gives up. With this experience deep in mind, the adult elephant (weighing up to 10,000 pounds) […]

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New Custodian: Alex Faga

The Personnel Committee is pleased to announce that Alex Faga has been hired to serve Hope Church as custodian. Alex began training on Sunday, May 19, and starts officially on Saturday, June 1. Alex was born and raised in Holland. He is father to his beautiful 5 year old daughter, Lilli. His hobbies include cars, […]

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Think Hope A Success

Sincere appreciation to all who helped make the April 27th Think Hope event a reality, including those who donated auction items, prepared food, and planned and set up; those who served, provided table decor, and cleaned up; and those who ate, chatted, laughed, purchased auction items, and will still deliver food or services. Over $5,000 […]

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Changes to the Hope Church Newsletter

The Communications Committee has recommended and Consistory has approved changes to the definition and nature of the Hope Church newsletter, to accomplish a number of objectives: To broaden the variety of communications available to Hope Church members, reflecting the varieties of activities and seasons of our life together. To increase the predictability for readers about […]

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Hope Church News, Summer 2019

Catch up on the latest Hope Church News! In this issue: Changes to the Hope Church Newsletter Think Hope A Success New Custodian: Alex Faga Bruce Ten Haken Returning as Administrative Assistant Bread for the World – Offering of Letters  

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