117-654448ed2d631db223576ee4d1412a24As we prepare for the demolition of the Hope Church library space, Christian Education ministry members have begun to identify and set aside books that will remain in our library collection. Discussions around the new “library” have emphasized transforming it into a smaller but vital and dynamic collection–one that is more relevant to the resource needs of our congregation. Current plans include having a bookcase openly accessible in the Gathering Area, while also potentially including subcollections or distributed collections (for example, children’s books) that could be located more conveniently near a Christian Education program or activity. For the next three Sundays (September 18, 25 & Oct. 2), congregation members are invited to stop by the “old” church library and take whatever books you’d like, for free, from what is left on the shelves.  Whatever is not taken will be donated to Western Theological Seminary, which has an established process for accepting church library books.

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