by David Hawley-Lowry

Men’s [Prayer] Breakfast was started in 1962; it has met every Wednesday at 6:15 a.m. ever since. The only days we do not meet are when Christmas and New Years fall on Wednesday. We still have two charter members in the group. People have come and gone, but a good core group has been constant. The glue that has bound this group together for 62 years, I believe, is the effort it takes to be up and at church at 6 a.m., the rotating cooking schedule, and the camaraderie that these things foster.

There are a few of us who gather at 5:30 a.m. for an early coffee klatsch, and to razz the cook of the day. At 6:15, we sit down to a full hot breakfast (menu selected by cook and amount of razing he wants to receive). After we eat, we read a portion of a book or an article someone has brought for the day, discuss it for the remaining hour or so, and conclude at 7:30 a.m. so folks can get off to work. We rotate cooking and praying/reading weekly, loosely on a schedule.

It is a great group with no airs. We range from 20-somethings to 90-somethings. I would recommend to all men—young, old, or in between—to come check us out. The breakfast is great and the fellowship priceless.