Pledges and giving estimates for 2014 will be gathered this Sunday, November 10. Please turn in your pledge form on that day during the worship service. You can also return pledges to the church office if you are unable to be present for worship on Sunday.

As we look to a strong conclusion to the year, your financial support of pledges and year-end gifts are greatly appreciated. Our stewardship theme for 2014 is “Connections” and we are grateful for the vibrant life that God has given to Hope Church which enriches our connections to God and to each other. Your gifts to Hope Church makes those connections possible!

Please keep in mind:

  • December 8 there will be a brief congregational meeting following worship when you will have an opportunity to ask any questions about the draft budget for 2014.
  • January 19, 2014 there will be a congregational meeting to act on the final 2014 budget.

The Stewardship and Finance Ministry

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