For the past 18 years the WPC has examined challenging concepts of privilege and oppression and offers solution and team building strategies to work towards a more equitable world. WPC is a conference designed to examine issues of privilege beyond skin color. WPC is open to everyone and invites diverse perspectives to provide a comprehensive look at issues of privilege including race, gender, sexuality, class, disability, etc.

The conference is unique in its ability to bring together students, youth, teachers, university faculty, activists, social workers and counselors, healthcare workers, and members of both the spiritual community and corporate arena. Issues of race, addressed from a comprehensive, intersectional perspective, bring in dynamics of gender/gender identity, ethnicity, sexuality, religion, ability and class.

Our strategy in addressing issues of inequality involves bringing together a consummate network of both national and regional lead learners and practitioners to work and learn from each other. This synergistic collaboration produces both paradigm shifts and personal action. As our evaluations confirm, the WPC provides an opportunity for participants to discuss how white privilege, white supremacy, and oppression affects daily life while gaining strategies for addressing issues of privilege and oppression and advancing social and economic justice.

The Youth Action Project is a dedicated event for high school youth to seriously engage issues of race, oppression, privilege and what it means to be an ally. The workshops, youth led caucuses, race affinity groups, interactive activities, film, spoken word, Theatre of the Oppressed techniques, and fishbowl discussions address issues of heritage, racial identity, language, isms, labels, teamwork, and strategies for community action and social change.The final day of the conference culminates as the youth join the larger conference, integrate learned concepts and present a powerful closing performance for all conference attendees.

To attend, register online at www.whiteprivilegeconference.com.

WHO Attends the WPC?

  • Annually approximately 2,000 participants each year.
  • Attendees travel from more than 35 states, Australia, Bermuda, Canada, and Germany.
  • More than 90% of conference participants report leaving with new information and resources, and gained strategies for addressing issues of privilege and oppression regarding social and economic justice.
  • More than 90% of participants were satisfied with the overall quality of the conference and will recommend it to others.

“I attended the WPC for the first time in 2014. It was a life changing experience for me. I thought I knew a lot about the work of racial justice but had my mind and heart opened in ways I did not anticipate. It is well worth the commitment to attend!” ~Pastor Jill Russell

~Reconciliation Ministry

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